李怀标:博士, 副教授, 硕士/博士生导师
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4086-3321
2010/11—2015/09,德国耶拿莱布尼茨衰老研究所/耶拿大学, 博士
1. 纺锤体定位和定向的调控机制
2. 选择性多聚腺苷酸化调控配子发生及胚胎发育的机制
3. 利用三维类器官培养技术和动物模型探讨器官发育和相关疾病的发生
承担项目: 华中科技大学人才引进基金,湖北省自然科学基金面上项目。
1. Cai Y, et al. YBX2 modulates mRNA stability via interaction with YTHDF2 in endometrial cancer cells. Experimental Cell Research 2023, 427: 113586.
2. Li N*, et al. CFIm-mediated alternative polyadenylation safeguards the development of mammalian pre-implantation embryos. Stem Cell Reports 2023, 18: 81-96.
3. Li H*, et al. CD44 deletion suppresses atypia in the precancerous mouse testis. Molecular Carcinogenesis 2019, 58: 621-626.
4. Li H, et al. Spindle misorientation of cerebral and cerebellar progenitors is a mechanistic cause of megalencephaly. Stem Cell Reports 2017, 9: 1071-1080.
5. Li H, et al. Impaired Planar Germ Cell Division in the Testis, Caused by Dissociation of RHAMM from the Spindle, Results in Hypofertility and Seminoma. Cancer Research 2016, 76: 6382-6395. (Highlighted by Nature Review Urology 2016, 13: p561)
6. Li H*, et al. RHAMM deficiency disrupts folliculogenesis resulting in female hypofertility. Biology Open 2015, 4: 562-571.