周立全,教授,博士/硕士生导师,华中卓越学者,华中科技大学学术前沿青年团队负责人,湖北省人才计划获得者,科技部重点研发计划课题负责人。中国医学科学院北京协和医学院获得博士学位,之后于美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)进行博士后研究。目前就职于华中科技大学同济医学院生殖健康研究所。第一/通讯作者文章分别发表在Adv Sci, Nucleic Acids Res, Dev Cell, Trends Cell Biol, Development等。课题组利用基因编辑小鼠模型、小鼠胚胎干细胞模型、临床生殖标本等,结合显微注射和高通量组学方法,主要研究衰老、环境和遗传等因素通过改变染色质结构从而影响哺乳动物卵母细胞和早期胚胎发育潜能的机制,以揭示哺乳动物生殖发育过程中的转录调控模式和细胞命运决定机理。
Li-quan Zhou, Professor of Institute of Reproductive Health (IRH), Tongji Medical College (TJMC), Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). He obtained PhD degree in the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) and Peking Union Medical College (PUMC), supervised by Prof. De-pei Liu. He then performed postdoctoral research in National Institutes of Health (NIH), supervised by Prof. Jurrien Dean, NIH Distinguished Investigator. He established his independent lab in 2017. Research interest of Prof. Zhou's group is epigenetic regulation of mammalian oocyte and early embryo, whose chromatin features and cell fate can be impacted by aging, environmental factors and genetic disorders.
Address: 13 Hangkong Road, Wuhan, 430030 P.R. China
Tel: +86-27-83692651
Email: zhouliquan@hust.edu.cn
SELECTED PUBLICATION (Publication list, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9332-9408)
1. Tian Q, Yin Y, Tian Y, Wang Y, Wang YF, Fukunaga R, Fujii T, Liao AH, Li L, Zhang W, He X, Xiang W, Zhou LQ. Chromatin Modifier EP400 Regulates Oocyte Quality and Zygotic Genome Activation in Mice. Adv Sci. 2024 May;11(20):e2308018.
2. Mei NH, Guo SM, Zhou Q, Zhang YR, Liu XZ, Yin Y, He X, Yang J, Yin TL, Zhou LQ. H3K4 Methylation Promotes Expression of Mitochondrial Dynamics Regulators to Ensure Oocyte Quality in Mice. Adv Sci. 2023 Feb 23:e2204794.
3. Li Z, Zhang X, Xie S, Liu X, Fei C, Huang X, Tang Y, Zhou LQ. H3K36me2 methyltransferase NSD2 orchestrates epigenetic reprogramming during spermatogenesis. Nucleic Acids Res. 2022 Jul 8;50(12):6786-6800.
4. Tian Q, Zhou LQ. Lactate Activates Germline and Cleavage Embryo Genes in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells. Cells. 2022 Feb 4;11(3):548.
5. Wang XF, Xie SM, Guo SM, Su P, Zhou LQ. Dynamic pattern of histone H3 core acetylation in human early embryos. Cell Cycle. 2020 Sep;19(17):2226-2234.
6. Zhou LQ, Canagarajah B, Zhao Y, Baibakov B, Tokuhiro K, Maric D, Dean J. BTBD18 Regulates a Subset of piRNA-Generating Loci through Transcription Elongation in Mice. Dev Cell. 2017 Mar 13;40(5):453-466.e5.
7. Zhou LQ, Baibakov B, Canagarajah B, Xiong B, Dean J. Genetic mosaics and time-lapse imaging identify functions of histone H3.3 residues in mouse oocytes and embryos. Development. 2017 Feb 1;144(3):519-528.
8. Zhou LQ, Dean J. Reprogramming the genome to totipotency in mouse embryos. Trends Cell Biol. 2015 Feb;25(2):82-91.
9. Wu J, Zhou LQ, Yu W, Zhao ZG, Xie XM, Wang WT, Xiong J, Li M, Xue Z, Wang X, Zhang P, Mao BB, Hao DL, Lv X, Liu DP. PML4 facilitates erythroid differentiation by enhancing the transcriptional activity of GATA-1. Blood. 2014 Jan 9;123(2):261-70.